Think about all the money decisions you have to make today. Paying for a date in a handsome restaurant, paying the transport fare home (or buying petrol for your car), the cable TV subscription, maybe Netflix, and then data too. What about investing? Stocks, Bonds or Mutual Funds? How much should you save? What should you cut down on?
Most people react the same way when faced with all these money decisions: they do nothing, and simply hope for the best. Why do people believe that making the right financial decisions is only about having superhuman willpower? They say ‘If I can just cut down on my food spending, and start cooking at home if I can stop borrowing money if I can start saving or even investing…’ No.
Financial advice is available everywhere, and yet people are not taking advantage of it. Why? Because willpower when it comes to money decisions is notoriously low. But willpower is not the only way to get to a more comfortable financial position. There is another way: automation. By setting up Recurrent Funding (a feature on the InvestNow mobile app), you will consistently, unfailingly put money away for investing, and your willpower has nothing to do with it. You can now indulge in guilt-free spending with what is left in your account, knowing that you have already made an investment.
With the InvestNow mobile app, you can invest in Mutual Funds, a Private Investment or Education Trust and Create a simple Will. You can also simply take the app and trade directly on the Nigerian Stock Exchange with live stock prices and stock recommendations from experienced financial advisors. By the end of the month, you’ve spent less than 15 minutes monitoring your investments. The InvestNow platform simply allows you to do investing, the easy way. Now you don’t need the willpower to make smart financial decisions.
InvestNow is a product of United Capital Plc, a leading African financial and investment services Group operating in four core business areas: Investment Banking; Asset Management; Trustee Services; and Securities Brokerage Services. For more information, please call – 07000INVEST (07000468378), WhatsApp 07000468378 and our live chat services at or